"Harish Narayanan (hnarayan) - April 2008"

Web Server Statistics for "Harish Narayanan (hnarayan) - April 2008"
Report generated by Analog 6.0 and Report Magic 2.21


  Domain Report  

The Domain Report identifies the top origins of visitors to this site. This is determined by the suffix of their domain name. Use this information carefully as this is based on where their domain name is registered and may not always be an accurate identifier of the actual geographic location of this visitor. For example, while most .com domain names are from the United States, there are a growing number of .com domain names that exist outside the United States.

This report shows all results. This report is sorted by number of requests.

Domain Report: Percentage of the requests by Domain Name.

Domain NameNumber of requestsNumber of bytes transferredPercentage of the bytesPercentage of the requests
1..net (Networks)11,903708.896 MB47.46%34.15%
2.[unresolved numerical addresses]5,971168.295 MB11.27%17.13%
3..com (Commercial)5,509217.815 MB14.58%15.80%
4..edu (US Higher Education)3,390130.337 MB8.73%9.72%
    umich.edu1,10438.322 MB2.57%3.17%
       umnet.umich.edu16326.702 MB1.79%0.47%
    psu.edu21237.980 MB2.54%0.61%
    ufl.edu4614.705 MB0.98%0.13%
    indiana.edu29.715 MB0.65%0.01%
5..in (India)1,16014.703 MB0.98%3.33%
6..nl (Netherlands)65322.018 MB1.47%1.87%
7..nz (New Zealand)3813.576 MB0.24%1.09%
8..de (Germany)33919.764 MB1.32%0.97%
9..us (United States)3274.885 MB0.33%0.94%
10..jp (Japan)30811.910 MB0.80%0.88%
11..uk (United Kingdom)30511.941 MB0.80%0.88%
12..au (Australia)2942.154 MB0.14%0.84%
13..it (Italy)28763.440 MB4.25%0.82%
14..fr (France)2764.918 MB0.33%0.79%
15..ch (Switzerland)2712.726 MB0.18%0.78%
16..pl (Poland)2513.286 MB0.22%0.72%
17..gov (US Government)2463.853 MB0.26%0.71%
18..ca (Canada)2273.068 MB0.20%0.65%
19..org (Non Profit Making Organizations)1843.470 MB0.23%0.53%
20..sg (Singapore)1601.287 MB0.09%0.46%
21..hu (Hungary)1602.414 MB0.16%0.46%
22..mx (Mexico)1593.619 MB0.24%0.46%
23..at (Austria)1582.384 MB0.16%0.45%
24..hk (Hong Kong)1372.102 MB0.14%0.39%
25..si (Slovenia)1271.407 MB0.09%0.36%
26..ie (Ireland)127551.730 KB0.04%0.36%
27..my (Malaysia)1131.837 MB0.12%0.32%
28..id (Indonesia)1112.935 MB0.20%0.32%
29..no (Norway)110855.798 KB0.06%0.32%
30..br (Brazil)921.615 MB0.11%0.26%
31..dk (Denmark)87850.705 KB0.06%0.25%
32..se (Sweden)851,004.463 KB0.07%0.24%
33..sk (Slovakia)751.252 MB0.08%0.21%
34..es (Spain)7247.140 MB3.16%0.21%
35..be (Belgium)56751.409 KB0.05%0.16%
36..fi (Finland)55969.287 KB0.06%0.16%
37..ph (Philippines)54656.811 KB0.04%0.15%
38..hr (Croatia)45474.206 KB0.03%0.13%
39.[unknown domain]38605.856 KB0.04%0.11%
40..vn (Vietnam)37540.609 KB0.04%0.11%
41..ee (Estonia)361.162 MB0.08%0.10%
42..gr (Greece)291,009.073 KB0.07%0.08%
43..info (Informational)287.899 MB0.53%0.08%
44.[domain not given]27556.358 KB0.04%0.08%
45..th (Thailand)26778.875 KB0.05%0.07%
46..ua (Ukraine)26269.297 KB0.02%0.07%
47..ru (Russia)25159.933 KB0.01%0.07%
48..pk (Pakistan)25392.188 KB0.03%0.07%
49..cz (Czech Republic)22422.753 KB0.03%0.06%
50..cl (Chile)21190.055 KB0.01%0.06%
51..lt (Lithuania)21404.698 KB0.03%0.06%
52..pt (Portugal)2199.301 KB0.01%0.06%
53..tz (Tanzania)2143.141 KB0.00%0.06%
54..sy (Syria)19408.675 KB0.03%0.06%
55..cn (China)18294.706 KB0.02%0.05%
56..ug (Uganda)16195.849 KB0.01%0.05%
57..mil (US Military)1524.297 KB0.00%0.04%
58..lv (Latvia)1535.213 KB0.00%0.04%
59..tr (Turkey)1535.213 KB0.00%0.04%
60..ar (Argentina)1524.297 KB0.00%0.04%
61..sa (Saudi Arabia)14105.614 KB0.01%0.04%
62..ad (Andorra)1424.249 KB0.00%0.04%
63..md (Moldova)10341.394 KB0.02%0.03%
64..il (Israel)10167.973 KB0.01%0.03%
65..kr (South Korea)694.103 KB0.01%0.02%
66..tw (Taiwan)6148.479 KB0.01%0.02%
67..mv (Maldives)517.274 KB0.00%0.01%
68..ro (Romania)5346.709 KB0.02%0.01%
69..bg (Bulgaria)3311.085 KB0.02%0.01%
70..arpa (Arpanet)274.795 KB0.01%0.01%
71..co (Colombia)119.867 KB0.00%0.00%
72..ma (Morocco)11.598 MB0.11%0.00%

This report was generated on May 20, 2008 21:39.
Report time frame April 1, 2008 00:00 to April 30, 2008 23:59.

Web statistics report produced by:
Analog logfile analyser. Analog 6.0Report Magic statistics formatting by Wadsack-Allen. Report Magic 2.21