"Harish Narayanan (hnarayan) - August 2006"

Web Server Statistics for "Harish Narayanan (hnarayan) - August 2006"
Report generated by Analog 6.0 and Report Magic 2.21


  Domain Report  

The Domain Report identifies the top origins of visitors to this site. This is determined by the suffix of their domain name. Use this information carefully as this is based on where their domain name is registered and may not always be an accurate identifier of the actual geographic location of this visitor. For example, while most .com domain names are from the United States, there are a growing number of .com domain names that exist outside the United States.

This report shows all results. This report is sorted by number of requests.

Domain Report: Percentage of the requests by Domain Name.

Domain NameNumber of requestsNumber of bytes transferredPercentage of the bytesPercentage of the requests
1..com (Commercial)1,11234.482 MB30.94%38.58%
2..net (Networks)46729.539 MB26.50%16.20%
3.[unresolved numerical addresses]41417.642 MB15.83%14.37%
    14143975.589 KB0.85%1.49%
       141.212 (University of Michigan - North Campus (Engin))40940.507 KB0.82%1.39%
4..edu (US Higher Education)2696.068 MB5.45%9.33%
    umich.edu1443.273 MB2.94%5.00%
       engin.umich.edu792.043 MB1.83%2.74%
       itd.umich.edu471.058 MB0.95%1.63%
    rpi.edu481.070 MB0.96%1.67%
    wsu.edu2639.701 KB0.56%0.07%
5.[unknown domain]1292.158 MB1.94%4.48%
6..nl (Netherlands)961.950 MB1.75%3.33%
7..cl (Chile)581.122 MB1.01%2.01%
8..gov (US Government)561.055 MB0.95%1.94%
9..sg (Singapore)521.289 MB1.16%1.80%
10..in (India)307.577 MB6.80%1.04%
11..be (Belgium)26606.389 KB0.53%0.90%
12..au (Australia)251.305 MB1.17%0.87%
13..ru (Russia)23731.396 KB0.64%0.80%
14..ie (Ireland)18680.334 KB0.60%0.62%
15..mx (Mexico)16198.792 KB0.17%0.56%
16..uk (United Kingdom)14120.175 KB0.10%0.49%
17..de (Germany)12118.963 KB0.10%0.42%
18..pl (Poland)112.704 MB2.43%0.38%
19..org (Non Profit Making Organizations)9105.446 KB0.09%0.31%
20..fr (France)764.906 KB0.06%0.24%
21..ca (Canada)644.736 KB0.04%0.21%
22..fi (Finland)429.824 KB0.03%0.14%
23..jp (Japan)375.589 KB0.07%0.10%
24..cy (Cyprus)335.082 KB0.03%0.10%
25..kr (South Korea)31.235 MB1.11%0.10%
26..my (Malaysia)214.912 KB0.01%0.07%
27..dk (Denmark)214.912 KB0.01%0.07%
28..no (Norway)214.912 KB0.01%0.07%
29..mil (US Military)214.912 KB0.01%0.07%
30..tt (Trinidad and Tobago)214.912 KB0.01%0.07%
31..se (Sweden)214.912 KB0.01%0.07%
32..hk (Hong Kong)116.038 KB0.01%0.04%
33..do (Dominican Republic)18.633 KB0.01%0.04%
34..nz (New Zealand)110.665 KB0.01%0.04%
35..ec (Ecuador)14.247 KB0.00%0.04%
36..ch (Switzerland)110.665 KB0.01%0.04%
37..at (Austria)110.665 KB0.01%0.04%
38..cz (Czech Republic)1445.092 KB0.39%0.04%

This report was generated on November 12, 2006 23:02.
Report time frame August 1, 2006 02:11 to August 31, 2006 23:57.

Web statistics report produced by:
Analog logfile analyser. Analog 6.0Report Magic statistics formatting by Wadsack-Allen. Report Magic 2.21