"Harish Narayanan (hnarayan) - December 2004"

Web Server Statistics for "Harish Narayanan (hnarayan) - December 2004"
Report generated by Analog 5.91beta1 and Report Magic 2.21


  Domain Report  

The Domain Report identifies the top origins of visitors to this site. This is determined by the suffix of their domain name. Use this information carefully as this is based on where their domain name is registered and may not always be an accurate identifier of the actual geographic location of this visitor. For example, while most .com domain names are from the United States, there are a growing number of .com domain names that exist outside the United States.

This report shows all results. This report is sorted by number of requests.

Domain Report: Percentage of the requests by Domain Name.

Domain NameNumber of requestsNumber of bytes transferredPercentage of the bytesPercentage of the requests
1..net (Networks)1,60257.936 MB21.26%24.21%
2.[unresolved numerical addresses]1,42446.599 MB17.10%21.52%
3..com (Commercial)1,26449.361 MB18.12%19.10%
    aol.com (America Online)872.331 MB0.85%1.31%
4..edu (US Higher Education)65639.133 MB14.36%9.91%
    umich.edu31519.478 MB7.15%4.76%
       engin.umich.edu29917.811 MB6.54%4.52%
       chgd.umich.edu121.602 MB0.59%0.18%
    duke.edu48.948 MB3.28%0.06%
    bu.edu652.276 MB0.83%0.98%
    psu.edu31.372 MB0.50%0.04%
5..jp (Japan)1981.986 MB0.73%2.99%
6..nl (Netherlands)1854.963 MB1.82%2.80%
7..ca (Canada)1763.959 MB1.45%2.66%
8..de (Germany)1417.053 MB2.59%2.13%
9..be (Belgium)1023.703 MB1.36%1.54%
10..fi (Finland)919.090 MB3.34%1.38%
11..pl (Poland)662.041 MB0.75%1.00%
12..it (Italy)661.191 MB0.44%1.00%
13..au (Australia)482.156 MB0.79%0.72%
14..in (India)481.915 MB0.70%0.72%
15..ch (Switzerland)462.361 MB0.87%0.69%
16..fr (France)432.534 MB0.93%0.65%
17..hu (Hungary)41860.953 KB0.31%0.62%
18..il (Israel)38338.399 KB0.12%0.57%
19..us (United States)371.586 MB0.58%0.56%
20..uk (United Kingdom)361.481 MB0.54%0.54%
21..pt (Portugal)361.173 MB0.43%0.54%
22..mx (Mexico)291.119 MB0.41%0.44%
23..tr (Turkey)24829.593 KB0.30%0.36%
24..sg (Singapore)221.666 MB0.61%0.33%
25..org (Non Profit Making Organizations)21628.560 KB0.23%0.32%
26..hr (Croatia)20246.074 KB0.09%0.30%
27..no (Norway)184.564 MB1.68%0.27%
28..lt (Lithuania)1459.377 KB0.02%0.21%
29..mt (Malta)13948.995 KB0.34%0.20%
30..at (Austria)1266.103 KB0.02%0.18%
31..se (Sweden)10780.140 KB0.28%0.15%
32..br (Brazil)9823.273 KB0.29%0.14%
33..tw (Taiwan)9356.012 KB0.13%0.14%
34..gov (US Government)914.812 MB5.44%0.14%
35..cz (Czech Republic)92.037 MB0.75%0.14%
36..arpa (Arpanet)7106.604 KB0.04%0.11%
37..lv (Latvia)734.638 KB0.01%0.11%
38..ee (Estonia)7431.563 KB0.15%0.11%
39..si (Slovenia)642.960 KB0.01%0.09%
40..yu (Former Yugoslavia)5367.239 KB0.13%0.08%
41..dk (Denmark)5937.892 KB0.34%0.08%
42..ua (Ukraine)55.461 KB0.00%0.08%
43..mil (US Military)4327.311 KB0.12%0.06%
44..ar (Argentina)323.645 KB0.01%0.04%
45..tg (Togo)26.966 KB0.00%0.03%
46..id (Indonesia)223.015 KB0.01%0.03%
47..es (Spain)16.966 KB0.00%0.01%

This report was generated on January 7, 2005 16:41.
Report time frame December 1, 2004 01:06 to December 31, 2004 23:42.

Web statistics report produced by:
Analog logfile analyser. Analog 5.91beta1Report Magic statistics formatting by Wadsack-Allen. Report Magic 2.21