"Harish Narayanan (hnarayan) - December 2004"

Web Server Statistics for "Harish Narayanan (hnarayan) - December 2004"
Report generated by Analog 5.91beta1 and Report Magic 2.21


  Hourly Summary  

The Hourly Summary identifies the level of activity broken down by each hour. Remember that one page hit can result in several server requests as the images for each page are loaded. This summary also compares the level of activity during working hours and after hours as a total for the report time frame.

Hourly Summary: Number of requests by Hour.

Hourly Summary: Percentage of the requests by Hour.

HourNumber of requestsNumber of bytes transferredPercentage of the bytesPercentage of the requests
1.00:00 - 00:592334.797 MB1.76%3.52%
2.01:00 - 01:5926516.634 MB6.11%4.00%
3.02:00 - 02:5925313.736 MB5.04%3.82%
4.03:00 - 03:592103.995 MB1.47%3.17%
5.04:00 - 04:5926311.236 MB4.12%3.98%
6.05:00 - 05:5928614.615 MB5.36%4.32%
7.06:00 - 06:592707.122 MB2.61%4.08%
8.07:00 - 07:592008.120 MB2.98%3.02%
9.08:00 - 08:591886.885 MB2.53%2.84%
10.09:00 - 09:592119.585 MB3.52%3.19%
11.10:00 - 10:5940914.670 MB5.38%6.18%
12.11:00 - 11:5943811.918 MB4.37%6.62%
13.12:00 - 12:5920215.525 MB5.70%3.05%
14.13:00 - 13:5933412.460 MB4.57%5.05%
15.14:00 - 14:5937714.599 MB5.36%5.70%
16.15:00 - 15:5931310.884 MB3.99%4.73%
17.16:00 - 16:593429.899 MB3.63%5.17%
18.17:00 - 17:593359.787 MB3.59%5.06%
19.18:00 - 18:5930518.745 MB6.88%4.61%
20.19:00 - 19:5924613.029 MB4.78%3.72%
21.20:00 - 20:5922119.464 MB7.14%3.34%
22.21:00 - 21:592535.049 MB1.85%3.82%
23.22:00 - 22:5931713.742 MB5.04%4.79%
24.23:00 - 23:591465.981 MB2.19%2.21%
 Work Hours (8:00am-4:59pm)2,814106.426 MB39.06%42.53%
 After Hours (5:00pm-7:59am)3,803166.052 MB60.94%57.47%

This report was generated on January 7, 2005 16:41.
Report time frame December 1, 2004 01:06 to December 31, 2004 23:42.

Web statistics report produced by:
Analog logfile analyser. Analog 5.91beta1Report Magic statistics formatting by Wadsack-Allen. Report Magic 2.21