Getting in touch
LDAP lookup: Harish Narayanan
Electronic mail: hnarayan at umich dot edu [ gpg key ]
Web site: http://umich.edu/~hnarayan/
Lab telephone: +1 (734) 936–2925
Current spatial position:
Electronic mail: hnarayan at umich dot edu [ gpg key ]
Web site: http://umich.edu/~hnarayan/

Lab telephone: +1 (734) 936–2925
Current spatial position:
University of Michigan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Computational Physics Group
3003 EECS, 1301 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor, Michigan — 48109–2122
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Computational Physics Group
3003 EECS, 1301 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor, Michigan — 48109–2122
Career Goal
- To pursue a career in academia as a mechanics educator at a distinguished institution of higher learning.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S.A. (2002 – 2007)
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and Scientific Computing, October 2007
— Dissertation title: “A continuum theory of multiphase mixtures for modelling biological growth”
— Committee chair: Prof. Krishnakumar R. Garikipati - M.S. in Mathematics, December 2006
- M.S.E. in Mechanical Engineering, December 2003
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and Scientific Computing, October 2007
University of Madras, Madras, India (1998 – 2002)
- B.E. in Mechanical Engineering, July 2002 (First class with distinction)
Academic Honours
- Received the “Sir C. P. Ramaswamy Aiyar Endowment Scholarship” from the University of Madras in 2001 – 2002 for excellent academic performance at the undergraduate level.
- Received a Certificate of Merit for outstanding academic work throughout 12th grade, including securing the First Rank in Physics, AISSCE 1998 (C.B.S.E. 12th).
Academic Interests
- Classical and modern field theories of mechanics, Multi-physics phenomena
- Analysis of numerical methods, Advanced finite element methods
- Large scale, high performance computing
Graduate Coursework
- Theoretical mechanics, Continuum mechanics, Solid and structural mechanics, Theory of elasticity, Mechanics of polymers, Differential equations in mechanics, Mechanical vibrations
- Finite element, difference and volume methods, Multi-grid methods, Spectral methods, Level set methods, Numerical linear algebra, Complex analysis, Methods of applied analysis
- Computational modelling of biological tissue, Multi-physics phenomena at micro-scales, General relativity, Parallel computing
A more detailed list of courses along with an academic timeline can be found here.
Research Experience
- January 2003 – Present: Research Assistant studying the mathematics and physics of biological tissue growth. This work, directed primarily toward my doctoral thesis, has been supervised by Prof. Krishnakumar R. Garikipati, Prof. Ellen M. Arruda and Prof. Karl Grosh in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Prof. Trachette L. Jackson in the Department of Mathematics.
- October 2002 – December 2002: Directed Research under Prof. Krishnakumar R. Garikipati in collaboration with Prof. Michael Falk, working on numerical evaluation of Green's function solutions pertinent to defect formation in anisotropic solids under stress.
- August 2001 – July 2002: Undergraduate Senior Year Project at the University of Madras on systematically evaluating the use of gaseous petroleum as a viable fuel for automobiles. This work was under the guidance of Prof. S. Sampath and Prof. B. S. Murthy.
Teaching Experience
- September 2006 – December 2006: Graduate Student Instructor for Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, working with Prof. Ellen M. Arruda and Prof. J. Wayne Jones.
Recent Publications
- “The micromechanics of fluid-solid interactions during growth in porous soft biological tissue,” H. Narayanan, E. M. Arruda, K. Grosh, K. Garikipati, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Submitted, 2007
- “Characterization and modeling of growth and remodeling in tendon and soft tissue constructs,” E. M. Arruda, S. Calve, K. Garikipati, K. Grosh, H. Narayanan, Mechanics of Biological Tissue, Springer, 2007
- “The continuum elastic and atomistic viewpoints on the formation volume and strain energy of a point defect,” K. Garikipati, M. Falk, M. Bouville, B. Puchala, H. Narayanan, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 54 (9) pp. 1929 – 1951, September 2006
- “Biological remodelling: Stationary energy, configurational change, internal variables and dissipation,” K. Garikipati, J. E. Olberding, H. Narayanan, E. M. Arruda, K. Grosh, S. Calve, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 54 (7) pp. 1493 – 1515, July 2006
- “Material forces in the context of biotissue remodelling,” K. Garikipati, H. Narayanan, E. M. Arruda, K. Grosh, S. Calve, Mechanics of Material Forces, Springer, 2005
- “A continuum treatment of growth in biological tissue: The coupling of mass transport and mechanics,” K. Garikipati, E. M. Arruda, K. Grosh, H. Narayanan, S. Calve, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 52 (7) pp. 1595 – 1625, July 2004
A complete list of publications, including links to electronic versions of the articles, can be found here.
Selected Talks
- “ The numerical implications of multiphasic mechanics assumptions underlying growth models,” Ninth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 2007
- “Finite Element Methods in General Relativity,” 2006 Engineering Graduate Student Symposium, November 2006
- “The numerical implications of fluid incompressibility in multi-phasic modelling of soft tissue growth,” Seventh World Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 2006
- “Viscoelastic and Growth Mechanics in Engineered and Native Tendons,” 43rd Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, August 2006
- “Tendon Growth and Healing: The Roles of Reaction, Transport and Mechanics, ” 15th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, June 2006
- “Computational Modelling of Mechanics and Transport in Growing Tissue,” Eighth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 2005
- “A Continuum Treatment of Coupled Mass Transport and Mechanics in Growing Soft Tissue,” Materials Research Society 2004 Fall Meeting, November 2004
- “Multi-Scale Simulations of the Mechanics of Transport and Growth in Soft Tissue,” 41st Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, October 2004
- “Material forces in the context of biological tissue remodelling,” Seventh U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 2003
- “A continuum treatment of growth in tissue: Mass transport coupled with mechanics,” Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 2003
A complete list of presentations and other involvement at technical conferences, including links to electronic versions of presentation slides, can be found here.
Professional Development
- Recognised as an Engineering Academic Scholar by the office of the Associate Dean for Graduate Education after successfully completing the Academic Careers in Engineering and Sciences Program, November 2005.
Professional Activities
- Engineering Graduate Student Symposium (2003 – 2006): As an active member of the team responsible for organisation of the annual event, I have witnessed the growth of the symposium from its origins in the Department of Mechanical Engineering to now encompass most of the College of Engineering. My roles have included chairing technical sessions, creating the symposium web site, photographing the event and creating its visual identity.
- System administrator (January 2003 – Present) for the Computational Physics Group.
- Writing articles related to free software and technology.