My graduate level coursework at the University of Michigan (along with time-stamped academic milestones to make this a little more interesting, and put things in perspective) include:
Fall 2007/
Mechanical Engineering 995

Winter 2007/
Mechanical Engineering 995

Fall 2006/
Mathematics 556
Methods of applied math – I: Fourier analysis -
Mechanical Engineering 995
Winter 2006/
Mathematics 710
Topics in modern analysis – II: General relativity -
Mechanical Engineering 995

Fall 2005/
Mathematics 671
Analysis of numerical methods – I: Level set methods -
Mechanical Engineering 995

Winter 2005/
Aerospace Engineering 514
Foundations of solid and structural mechanics – II -
Mechanical Engineering 605
Advanced finite element methods in mechanics -
Mechanical Engineering 990
Fall 2004/
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 587
Parallel Computing -
Mathematics 671
Analysis of numerical methods – I: Finite element and multigrid methods -
Mechanical Engineering 990

Winter 2004/
Mathematics 572
Numerical methods for scientific computing – II: Finite difference and spectral methods -
Mechanical Engineering 990
Dissertation/Pre-Candidate -
Applied Physics 507
Theoretical mechanics

Fall 2003/
Mathematics 571
Numerical methods for scientific computing – I: Numerical linear algebra -
Mathematics 596
Analysis I (Complex) -
Mechanical Engineering 590
Research in selected mechanical engineering topics -
Mechanical Engineering 599
Multiphysics phenomena at microscales

Begin first ever (terribly exciting) series of talks, starting with one at MIT in June 2003.
Winter 2003/
Mechanical Engineering 505
Finite element methods in mechanical engineering and applied mechanics -
Mechanical Engineering 512
Theory of elasticity -
Mechanical Engineering 590
Research in selected mechanical engineering topics -
Mechanical Engineering 617
Mechanics of polymers – II

Fall 2002/
Mechanical Engineering 502
Methods of differential equations in mechanics -
Mechanical Engineering 506
Computational modelling of biological tissues -
Mechanical Engineering 511
Theory of solid continua (Continuum mechanics) -
Mechanical Engineering 541
Mechanical vibrations

N.B. Courses I have (officially) audited have been italicised.